
This library contains a set of tools, mainly for testing purposes:

โ„น๏ธPackage infoaiken-extra/test_kit๐Ÿงฐ
๐Ÿ”ดVersionv0.0.1๐Ÿ› ๏ธ
๐ŸŸขDepends onaiken-lang/fuzz v2.1.0โœ…
๐ŸŸขDepends onaiken-lang/stdlib v2.2.0โœ…
๐ŸŸขTested withaiken v1.1.9โœ…


Pretty-print data with label:

use test_kit.{print}

print("Label", data) // fuzz.label(@"Label: cbor.diagnostic(data)")

By calling fuzz.label internally, print will also work with property testing.



use test_kit/collections

collections.zip3(list_a, list_b, list_c) // -> [(a, b, c)..]
collections.unzip3(list_abc) // -> ([a..], [b..], [c..])

List and & or:

use test_kit/collections/logic

[..bools] |> logic.all_true  // -> True | False
[..bools] |> logic.all_false // -> True | False
[..bools] |> logic.any_true  // -> True | False
[..bools] |> logic.any_false // -> True | False


Tuple fuzzer:

use test_kit/fuzzy

test prop_tuple((a, b) via fuzzy.tuple(fuzzer_a, fuzzer_b)) { .. }

// also available: tuple3 to tuple9

Transaction data fuzzers:

use test_kit/fuzzy/fuzzer.{ .. }

test prop_address(address via address_fuzzer(FromFuzzed, WithFuzzedDelegation)) { .. } // random addresses
test prop_assets(value via value_fuzzer(min_lovelaces: 2_000_000)) { .. } // ADA and 0-10 tokens; credit goes to Anastasia-Labs
test prop_blake2b_224(blake2b_224_set via blake2b_224_fuzzer(count: 4)) { .. } // generates 4 distinct Blake2b-224 Hashes each run
test prop_blake2b_256(blake2b_256_set via blake2b_256_fuzzer(count: 6)) { .. } // generates 6 distinct Blake2b-256 Hashes each run
test prop_certificate(d_rep via delegate_representative_fuzzer(when_registered: FromFuzzed)) { .. } // Registered | AlwaysAbstain | AlwaysNoConfidence
test prop_governance(constitution via constitution_fuzzer(some_guardrails: Fuzzed)) { .. } // constitutions with either some guardrails script or none
test prop_transaction(inputs via user_inputs_fuzzer()) { .. } // simple (non-script) inputs; credit goes to Anastasia-Labs

// and more


Interval additions and subtractions:

use test_kit/time.{ .. }

interval.after(25200000)  |> add_interval(lower_bound: 6 |> Minute, upper_bound: 5 |> Hour) // == interval.after(25200000 + 6 * 60 * 1_000)
interval.before(360000)   |> add_interval(lower_bound: 4 |> DS, upper_bound: 3 |> Second) // == interval.before(360000 + 3 * 1_000)
interval.between(4, 5000) |> add_interval(lower_bound: 2 |> MS, upper_bound: 1 |> CS) // == interval.between(4 + 2, 5000 + 1 * 10)

interval.after(25200000)  |> sub_interval(lower_bound: 6 |> Minute, upper_bound: 5 |> Hour) // == interval.after(25200000 - 6 * 60 * 1_000)
interval.before(360000)   |> sub_interval(lower_bound: 4 |> DS, upper_bound: 3 |> Second) // == interval.before(360000 - 3 * 1_000)
interval.between(4, 5000) |> sub_interval(lower_bound: 2 |> MS, upper_bound: 1 |> CS) // == interval.between(4 - 2, 5000 - 1 * 10)

// also available: IntervalBound, IntervalBoundType, and PosixTime operations

Unwrapping finite time:

use test_kit/time/unwrap

unwrap.finite_start_of(interval) // -> PosixTime
unwrap.finite_end_of(interval)   // -> PosixTime

// inclusivity is taken into account


Constructing transaction data:

use test_kit/tx.{ .. }

test validate_something() {
  let tx = transaction.placeholder
    |> add_tx_ref_input(tx_ref_in)
    |> add_tx_input(tx_in_1)
    |> add_tx_input(tx_in_2)
    |> add_tx_output(tx_out_1)
    |> add_tx_output(tx_out_2)
    |> add_signatory("Signer")
  // assert:
  validator.validate.spend(.., .., .., tx)

Mocking transaction data:

use test_kit/tx/mock.{ .. }

mock_address(from_payment: 1, from_stake: 2)
mock_address("A", "B")    // Address with both Payment and Staking part
mock_address(True, False) // Address with only Payment part

mock_verification_key_credential(from: 34) // VerificationKey(#"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000034")
mock_script_credential(from: 567)          // Script(#"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000567")

mock_verification_key_hash(from: 89) // #"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000089"
mock_script_hash(from: 10)           // #"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010"

mock_asset(1112, asset_name: "NFT", quantity: 1) // Value(#"00..............................001112", "NFT", 1)
mock_policy_id(1112)                             // #"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001112"

mock_output_reference(131415, output_index: 16) // OutputReference(#"00..............................00131415", 16)
mock_transaction_id(131415)                     // #"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000131415"

mock_blake2b_224(from: 224) // #"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000224"
mock_blake2b_256(from: 256) // #"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000256"

mock_hash_from_bytearray(#"af", size: 4) // #"000000af"
mock_hash_from_int(123, size: 3)         // #"000123"
mock_hash(1, size: 2)                    // #"0001"
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